ICYMI - Bechdel Theatre is BACK! Here’s what we got up to in 2023 -
We gained a team-member 💞
At the beginning of 2023 we started working with hotshot producer Jess Donn, who’s leading Bechdel Theatre’s organising, strategising and fundraising.
It’s been less than a year since we first met Jess, but it already feels like we don’t know what we ever did without them!
We started running Bechdel Circles again 🙌
With the support of the National Lottery Community Fund, we worked with the team at Roundhouse, and consulted with Lily Einhorn (community engagement specialist, and general hero) to successfully relaunch our regular Bechdel Circle social events!
What’s Bechdel Circle?
A pre-show meet-up and post-show conversation space. We hook you up with discount tickets to watch a show together, then chat about it with fellow audience-members after.
Think: Your fave queer feminist book-club, but it’s about THEATRE (so, no reading required!).
Wanna join a Bechdel Circle? The next one’s on Dec 13th when we’re going to see A They In A Manger at Camden People’s Theatre. It’s gonna be a big queer festive treat!

(Don't forget to sign up to our Patreon & Mailing List for regular announcements about Bechdel Circles & other events in the new year!)
We won an *award* 🏆
We took part in Roundhouse’s Accelerator programme, which gave us training, mentorship, and peer-support to continue our growth from running Bechdel Theatre as a passion project to becoming a properly sustainable organisation.
At the end of the programme, we won an award at the Roundhouse’s big pitching event!! Prize-money from this award will help us to keep Bechdel Circle events running regularly in 2024.

We gathered for a chat about Fringe 💡
We’ve been thinking a LOT about the conditions of the industry we work in, and how to best support, connect and amplify people of marginalised genders in theatre and performance ~in this economy~ (as a small grassroots organisation, run by freelancers) without perpetuating the overworked/underpaid culture that drives inequality & causes burnout.
In September, following our previous blog posts about Edinburgh Festival Fringe, we held an open meeting to bring people together to talk about EdFringe, and the role of that festival (and fringe theatre, and festivals in general) in the lives and careers of so many of us in the performing arts. A lot of people who couldn’t make it, asked to be updated on what was discussed in this space, so our notes from the EdFringe conversation are here (let us know if you were there & think there’s anything we’ve missed out!)
✨ Looking ahead to 2024 ✨
As the nights draw in we’re busily prepping for the year ahead!
Current plans include running more Bechdel Circles, workshops, and (fingers crossed) re-developing our podcast.
This feels like a good moment to check in, so -
What would you like to see from Bechel Theatre in 2024 (and beyond?)
Wanna join more queer feminist social events, like Bechdel Circle?
Want space for more sector-focussed gatherings, like the meeting we held to chat about Edinburgh Fringe?
Think we could do more to support creative development, by creating opportunities for artists of marginalised genders to make or show work?
What kind of digital spaces could we build? Bechdel Theatre originated on Twitter, but that’s been tanked by a villainous billionaire, so what next?? How do you wanna stay in touch with each other, between & beyond Bechdel Theatre events? Shall we start a Discord channel? A WhatsApp group?
If any of these ideas sparks something in you, please either take a sec to tick some boxes on this form to tell us what you’d like more of in 2024 - or just drop us an email on hello@bechdeltheatre.com
See you soon,
Beth, Pippa & Jess
Don’t forget to use our discount to book tix if you’re joining us for A They In A Manger on Dec 13th!
